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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Week in review

A quick break 

   Well I got the 250 off to capsuleer. Made my advertisement, and haven't heard back from them. 

   I tried another round of walking through the maze - getting an interview with CCP.  I am nowhere near the cheese exit. 

   We broke 2,000 subscribers!!!!?!!!  That is insane, humbled doesn't begin to express my bewilderment. 

    Acinom is still plugging away at PI skills. Come September I should be done. Then it's off to scanning school. 

   Hearld was starting the PI path, but I have enough rep for a level 3 mechanical Datacores now. So that takes priority.  Expect him to get back on track in Sept. 

    Eisenguarde was starting PI. But I backed off and now I am getting his 2 attributes and the learning skill up for PI first. 

   PI - if you drop 1 command center (elite), 1 spaceport and as many extractors as you can on a planet. You can get about 80% full in one day.  - high sec

-how are you?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Capsuleer Advertising

only 15 million more isk to go and I can color this job done.

The picture is small but that is mainly because it goes into an iPhone app.

All comments are welcome, please.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Eve is game for the Excel spreadsheet.

I have been told this for 4 years.

for 4 years I have done just fine (albeit very poorly).

But today, I sucummed to the inevitable.

I made a Dominix from a NPO and spare parts I had laying around. Flew it to a trade hub and was looking forward to making a buck or two. The selling price has 15 Domi's at 40.3 million isk. That seemed a little low.

So I brokedown, and used excel.

I listed all the minerals and how many they were. then I grabed the sell price per unit. Multiply the two, and I get how much the mineral costs to make the domi. Add all of them up and that was my price for a domi. 69.9 million isk. so that means I am losing 29.6 million isk every time I sell a domi.

That just doesnt make sense.

Anyone out there help me, where did I go wrong?

Edit:so I went back and did it again. But instead of using the values given to me on the market page, I used each invivdual minereals buy price. The total came down to an acceptable level - 36 mil. So I decide to put it up on the market.

Friday, July 16, 2010


I have played this game for over 4 years, yet I have never heard of this.

There is an item limit on the amount of stuff you can have in a station.

995 items

Pulse check

  I have this blog, seeeee

   And I tried to post everyday, seeeee

  And I failed. 


Have you read all these other bloggers that keep talking about their billions they have laying around?  Well not me. 

Since I announced my grand long term plan I have made :

     -6.4 million, that's Negative

But a friend, my CEO, who is slowing down on the game, gave me 16 BPCs for Dominixs. Plus some other trinkets. With a little bit of mining and salvaging. That might just help a bit. 

Podcast is going well. I called CCP Atlanta to request an interview. Got voicemail instead, any guesses to wether they will call me back?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'll gladly play pay Tuesday for an Orca today

So I sent the 3rd (sacrifical alt) out to ORE to look at prices of mining barges and Orca. And I was shocked.

The rule I see very often is that the BPO is is roughly 10 times the amount of the ship it is flying. When I bought the Scorpion (usually 50 mil) it was floating around 520 mil. The cruiser my 3rd alt has is 3 mil, and the blueprint is 28 mil.

So a covetor is 20 mil, the BPO is 2,000,000,000. That is 2 Billion.
the procuror is roughly 500 million.
the retriever is about 900 million

and the Orca is 880 million.

These are ORE (npc) fixed prices.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why do you even play this game?!?!

A long time ago I was diagnose with ADD.  This of course relates to the alt-i-Tess I would get playing MMOs. Or the new shiny syndrome I have in eve. 

Since I abhor PvP, I am always curious why I play a game devoted to PvP. 

I believe that Eve is really just that complex. The game is a crafters wet dream. Unlike every other game I played or have heard about - everything I make in eve is not worse the what drops off a raid boss. 

So I am in it for the acquisition of stuff. 

I am also a goal oriented person. When I drive in real life, I have to have a destination. I can't just drive for the fun. 

So I think I will put down some of the long term goals today.  And see how long before ADD creeps back in. 

Acinom - finish Planetary Management to 5 then get all scanning skills to 5

Hearld - get research development to 5 plus the mechanical engineering to 5

Eisenguarde - learning to 4s and then hulk to level 5. ( all the subskills to go with that )

Overall goal is to produce an orca from mining to subsystems to final product. My guess is that is 2 years off. But it's something to strive for. 

Of course no mining for next 2 weeks

Friday, July 9, 2010

Life recap

You would think that with a few days off I would having something ingesting to say. 

  But then, that wouldn't be me

   The podcast comes along.  It is starting to coalesce around some talking points. But it still seems too long. I really need to get the website up and running. 

    I actually thought about a post going to bed 2 nights ago. It had slot of old stories. But now I can't remember half of it. 

   Saw an advertisement for StarCraft II. Comes out here on July 27th. Between that and Star Trek Online raising the level cap at the end of this month,  Eve is going to take a beating on game time. Will probably be just skill and PI updates. 

  Work calls, so I hope everyone has a happy and safe (RL) weekend

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tip toe into null sec

Do not die - check
Bring a gun to a knife fight - check
Insure ship - double check. 

Well after 2 days of null sec PI my storage facility from the extractors are about 40% full. That is with 23 hour cycles. Much nicer then the high sec counterparts. 

   After going through the PI rounds I decided to take my Rusty ol Domi out for a spin. I looked with the on board scanner and had 2 Sansha anomalies. This ship is design for tank and PvE.  So. I fly out to meet 4 cruisers, 2 battleships, and 8 missile turrets. I got into half armor alot quicker then I expected.  While mulling this over I remembered I had the Thanatos. 

  A quick change up and I flew back.  To the wrong site. This one just had 4 cruisers. My carrier is not fitted for war. I had 6 warp stabs on it. This made for some funny fighting. My targeting range ended up being 19 Km. Still it was nice to see 504 drones to pick from. After a while I went back to station and got rid of the stabalizers. Fitted 2 med shield boosters onto a capital. ( the only thing I had collected) and flew back out. Started to re engage and a new face showed up in local. 

A red face, and here I am in a phenomenally fail fitted carrier in a non cyno Jam system. This is a bad idea, and being the carebear I am. Took my capital tail between my legs and ran away from the 2 mighty cruisers I was fighting. 

  He left after 5 minutes or so, but I'm not risking my main vehicle to move to and from null sec. 

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Cyno Blues

I really hate cyno generators. I mean in reality it is not that big of a deal.  My alt only has 350k of skill points, with the lowest clone at 900k. 

  A T1 cruiser with a generator and fuel and that's it. Though it is annoying to buy a ship for 3 mil. Insure it for 700k and only get a 2.3 mil payout. 

  But it is the whole sitting 0m off a station in low sec with a Red -8.4 security guy flying back and forth from said station, that really makes you sigh. For reasons I do not comprehend he did not target me and get a quick gank. 

  So the alt survived for now....


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Worst movie of the year.

I have watch the TV series Avatar : The Last Airbender about 2 1/2 times through. I have season 2 on DvD and watch it about once every 6 months all the way through.

I say this so that when I say, this movie is the worst movie this year. You would understand that its not that I hate the Avatar. But the director, and writer need to be just plain old shot.

I need to run, but I really wanted someone to know. That movie sucked, but the show was awesome.


Asking for directions

Thank goodness for hot fixes 

Yesterday I am finally getting the 3rd character set for a cyno alt. And send him down to pick up the fuel. And I kept getting a low sec point. 

   My fix was to go to DOTlan maps and chart my own path. 

    Glad to hear that it's been corrected. 

Monday, June 28, 2010

EQ2: I killed Holly Windstalker!!

Ok, I know A LOT of people don't care. But that person has been killing me for years. 

  I hit 20 on the Conjuror, and got the Mage pet.  Now I am used to the Mage pet to be high damage / low health. A really bad soloing idea. But I took it out anyways and tried it out. 

   I was amazed. It was able to kill fast enough that I didn't need to worry too much. It still is not the best tank. But for raw leveling, it is awesome. 

   I stumbled across a blue elite and pick up aggro. Now I am used to dieing in these cases, so when the pet grabbed aggro I beat feet. I was then amazed that with in seconds it wasn't my pet at half health - but the elite mob. So I turned around and spammed heal pet. 

    After that I got the master version of the Mage pet. 
    So today I was working on the harvesting skills when a green Holly Windstalker wanders up. With less than 2 minutes of game time left, I couldn't refuse. The Mage pet used her like a tooth pick. 

   So who is laughing now!!!!!

   To really understand this post you had to have played Everquest for several years and have been ganked by her repeatedly. Even in EQ2. 

Sunday, June 27, 2010

CSM : Jaded Tears

I really didn't have much to say this morning. So I read for a bit on capsuleer. 

  Which lead me to the CSM review. Reading the article reminds me so much of real life politics. Where there is only one right answer - the writer's. 

Referring to people who question as Tin Foil Hats. Or inserting the word supposedly, it was like reading the local newspaper come election time. 

All this said, I do plan on reading and promoting his article and website. Just to help raise the awareness of the CSM. 

But I'm a little bit more jaded. After all, alot of what is said to us is the infamous - trust me. This coming from a game that at it's core design fosters distrust and scamming. 

The best thing to do, though is read it yourself.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Planetary Interaction: My carebear tears

Have you ever done something that loses money, isn't all that much fun, and is a little frustrating?  Yet, you can't help yourself and you keep doing it again and again. 

That is my planetary interaction experience. It's either stop what I am doing every 30 minutes to take 5 minutes to refresh or throw it to 23 hours and let 1/2 the plants stay idle cause I can't get them enough resources. 

Also there is no in between. 30 minutes, 5 hours, or 23 hours. What about a 8 hour work day?  I sleep longer then 5 hours ( or at least I want to.)

   All of this and I have made less then 5 million in products. There are ways to make isk off of this, I know. But not in high sec doing it the way CCP wants you to do it. 

    So I am waiting for my 3rd account to finish a few skills then I will try null sec.  The motherload better be there. 

Friday, June 25, 2010

Wahoo ...done

Wahoo, the podcast that could - finally went.

Man, I thought it would never get off the ground.

With Overtime, a bad work day and a trip to San Antonio, I was about to give up.

Instead I think it is one of the funnier ones. Though a bit long.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Perpetuum: Day 2

WAHOO!!! Eve is not longer - Eve-Offline!!

Well Perpetuum, is a ramp up curve. For my system, the graphics of the game are choppy. But I run on a wal-mart laptop. So go figure.

The opening moves are normal. The combat is different in that you can select a target and keep walking. That is pretty sweet.

But I have no idea how to make money. It will take some more time. But with Eve opening back up, I need to run do a skill and fire up planetary interaction again.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

they love me, they really love me!

Dear Player,

we are glad to inform you that your application for the Perpetuum closed beta
testing has been accepted. Welcome aboard!

Please visit our website ( ), download the game,
and create a character. After this you will be able to log into the game and use
the community features of the website. Your login for the website is your e-mail
address and password.

Please log into the website and browse through the forums for instructions. You
will find lots of valuable information specifically posted for beta testers.

We wish you happy testing and lots of fun!

Best regards,

The Perpetuum Team


ok, I know alot of people dont care. But I love Battletech. And this is as close of a MMO as I have seen in a long time.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Steps to become a ninja

Lost in eve is a nice podcast. 

He goes through the news articles, touches on PI, and then tells a story of an in game experience. 

This week he covered something I particularly found nice. Ninja mining.

The goal here is 
1) to scan down a wormhole
2) go in and cloak 
3) drop an extractor down on a planet - he recommends a Basic
4) leave
5) in the comfort of your station open up a can of extractors and devestated the planet for a short period of time. 
6) when it's time for bed or the wormhole is reaching it's natural life cycle you warp back in. 
7) drop in a spaceport ( this flags as a customs office in the overview - so if someone is watching they will notice)
8) dump it all to space station. 
9) warp in and grab it ( hopefully no bubble)
10) run like a flaming banshee to the exit. 

Congrats you just stole minerals from the occupants. 

Over course when I got home I didn't find a wormhole in my system. Then I got spouse aggro.... And it was all over. 


Monday, June 21, 2010

SW:ToR - live DH QnA

I know this redundant. For those intrested already know this and the rest don't care. 

 But tonight is Darth Haters live QnA on Vent. As much I as would love / need to listen. Not sure my wife would allow that during family time. 

   She is not a big SW the Old Republic fan either. 

    Still I encourage you all to log in and listen. Maybe even throw in a question or three. 



Well in making the 3rd account, I got try out the new player experience. 

  (Old man voice) "Back in my day, ( hobble hobble) we didn't have all those high fluletin fancy Blueprints! (shake my cane). All those choices of carEer paths. BAH!!  We were given a stick and bail of wire and told to make our own Titans. I remember I had to walk to nearest jumpgate in the snow!!! Up Station!!!  BOTH WAYS!!!!!  You young wipper snappers have it too easy!"

-cough-  umm hurts my throat. 

Overall it was ok, I did rush through how to turn my ship. I was suprised at how painful it was to kill a rookie pirate with a civilian Gatling laser. 

   I was given a few Blueprinter missions. But as far as I could tell I had no clue where to go. (assuming I was new). The first couple lead me fairly well. But the last one I had to get some Isogen and it never told me I needed to find a 0.6 or 0.5 sec space and what asteroids to look for. 

  For me it wasn't a problem, but if I was a new player not committed to the game. Well it is possible I could have rage quit 2 hours into the game. And I didn't even get ganked. 

  Also I lost connection. So when I got back on, the tutorial kept trying to get me to redo everything I had done to begin with. At one point it would even let me warp unless I turned it off. 


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Eve gate redux

Eve gate. Ehhhh
   So I saw I made 24 mil roughly on Capsuleer. But I don't know what I sold. 

And since I am hard at work (hahaha) I decided to try eve gate again. 

  first time I have log on in about 2 or 3 weeks. I see Kirith likes the tweets. I didn't even realize I had him to view. I did have 1 tweet in there. 

  So I threw up the fact that I just purchased a 3 rd account so now I can train for cynos. And the my dream of 2 hulks and an orca can be realized. :). Hmmm. 

Now I need another computer

Saturday, June 19, 2010

PI: Mr. Roboto

I looked over the top tier of Planetary Interaction from the Ivy League Wiki web site. 

    They were all exclusive to POS/Sov stations.  

   It seems to me that this is a rather poor market. For the large part people running POS's will have their own PI manufacturing going on to save on operational costs. The expection being possibly Wormhole space where the access to a needed planet might be missing. 

   T2 components on the other hand might have a better chance. 

   And of course if you can find a product that uses both - then that is the highest demand. ie robotics.

  That is my train of thought. So off to robotics I went. Been playing for about a week now. And I have 24 units of robotics. Needless to say it's a little underwhelming. 

   I have decided to put storage units right after extractors and before industry. This way any excess material gets stored and ready for shipment. It also helps as a buffer if you can't get to your planet in time to refresh the extractors. 

    I decided to forgo the storage unit right before the launch pad. This was redundit. As the storage unit is 5,000 m3 and the launch pad is 10,000 m3 with another 20,000 m3 floating in space. 

Overall fun but not as enjoyable as Sim city. 

Friday, June 18, 2010

Work in progress

Life changes, that is a constant. 

  Work is shifting away from me doing daily computer maintenance ( and hence easy time to write a few notes for the blog) to being more actively involved with some reporting issues. And hence not that wonderful time to say something silly. 

    I guess this means I am re-evaluating things.  Currently I  am doing this on my break. So it might just be that this post is a waste of time. 

  Like that has ever happen !  ;)

I listen to alot of interviews with Bioware on E3. Well 5 or 6, some written some on video. But I never got to see the arrogant one.  Would liked to have seen it to understand Kiriths statement more.  


Thursday, June 17, 2010

PI - the UI needs some love

While I am not the biggest reader. Ok I barely read. I haven't noticed people talking about a problem I have in planetary interaction. 

  The timing of extractors going off line. I know I mentioned it a little bit on the podcast. But yesterday was just another prime example of not understanding what I am doing. 

   After the failed podcast recording, Tuesday. I jumped online at 5 pm and saw my entire lava planet workers were on strike. I choose the 23 hours till depleted option. Thinking I would have time Wednesday to move the production process onwards.

  Wednesday 4 pm came and it said I had another 2 hours. So my math is off 5 pm to 5 pm is 24 hours. Plus 1 more equals 25 hours total. Yet it said 23 hours till depletetion. 

    And another thing. You can't stop them in their mining process without scrapping the entire extractor and rebuilding one. I was hoping to stop mining and rescan so I wouldn't have my planets doing nothing during my sleep time. 

   It bugs me so much, I might get off my rear and head to Jita's Park and see if I can get a CSM member to sponsor me. 


Ok so my foot tastes a little funny, but I'm used to it.

There is a proposal already raised for CCP. To look at some of the functionality of PI.

Let's see if I can get the link

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

SW:ToR - Love / Hate relationship

HAHA, I love Kirith Kodachi's post.

Mainly cause I am so polar opposite.

Well not the all MMOs are stupid part. That is just plain dumb and dumber.

But the reason I started following The Old Republic, is cause of story. And Voice acting. I loved the trailers in Guild Wars. I was that guy that wouldn't let you move on the next mob cause I wanted to watch the Video.

The story line is very immeserive to me. The little bits and pieces I have been able to glean is truely tantalizing.

I whole heartedly agree seeing abunch of smooth versions of the Star Destroyer is ludicrious 3000 years ago. There has not been any advancement in 3000 years. That is just plain dumb. But that is something I will have to live with.

I watch the trailer 4 times now, each time I enjoy it more. I could easily get upset that a trooper lived through a point blank termal grenade. ( same one 3000 years in the future ). But hey, I love James Bond too.

Over all, this has me more stoked about the game.

Plus I get Starships.

Comparing this to Star Trek Online isnt really right either. Star Trek is having lots of issues just trying to come out of the starting gate. (Still have that lifetime subscription).


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Opps I did it again

Well phoey

   I can't find my headphones anywhere to the iPhone. 

    So I nick'd my bosses computer speakers for the day. 

     Now everyone at work gets to listen to day 3 of the alliance tourney. 


Saturday, June 12, 2010

SW:ToR - Information Overload


There is just too much that happen to remember it all.  Darth hater will be up all night working on their podcast. 

   Another timeline video,  this was a nice little piece of video describing the Jedi Civil War. My thought was that the capital spaceship looked awfully similar to the Star Destroyers 3000 years in the future.  

That 3000 year thing will probably always bug me. 

   The G4TV trailer was neat, but honestly nothing ground breaking. Though it did wet my appetite for the next trailer. 

   Then there was the Gamespot play through update. 

    Oh man, drool. 
  I like the idea of bullets being the limiting factor for troopers. Love the storyline already for each one. 

   I have been wanting an Imperial Agent, and they still found sweet. The play style will be a bit rough. But I  am so willing to try. 

Overall, it was a great night. 

Frustration to relaxation

Special thank you to Kirith Kodachi for reminding me to look at the My Eve section of the forums for new podcasts.  I have been remiss in that. 

    Last night, I spent roughly 4 hours working on iClone. Trying to get things setup. I was really starting to get a feel for the software and it's limitations. I rendered a 30 sec trailer but the watermark they put on it makes it look like 3D image without the glasses.

    So I settled down for a session of ice mining.  You know what? Ice mining is great. The rock never depletes and,with an orca near by, it's just every 8 minutes move the load from the mackinaw to the orca. Was able to unwind from iClone, then get wound up (good way) for SW: The Old Republic. 

Overall a nice way to end the night. 

Friday, June 11, 2010

Podcasting - 1 road bump down, Thousands to go...

I picked up Crazytalk yesterday. And started to experiment as soon as I got home. 

   My first trick was that the program wouldn't show the model in it's normal mode. It would let me edit, but then the screen would go white.  I remember this problem when I did the trail version, but I couldn't remember how it was done. 

   So that leads me to an hour of searching the Internet and reading forums. But the effort paid off, found the right .ini file and did the transfer. 

   After that it was pretty smooth sailing. I made a rough draft of the model, threw in a mp3 file and watched the fun for a bit. I tested the save mp4 format ( wasn't available on the trail) and it all works fine. 

    After that it was working on the green screen. The first step was to color the background down to the pixel   .  This separates the model from the background.

 While it is easy to understand and even watch, it is a pain in the wrist. Literally, I am still hurting today.

   After that, it gets even mire fun.  Neither crazytalk or iClone will do the Chroma Key ( ie green screen ).  Even though they say iClone can do it. If anyone knows how, please let me know. Please.... 

   This lead me to surf for awhile longer to find 123MagicVideo. They have a free trail, then pay to play. 

  Now onto my first mistake. When I was creating the green screen of the model, I really didn't want green. I choose blue. This is an industry standard also, so I saw no harm in it. When I go to upload my model to 123magicvideo, it only takes green. I figure no problem. I open up crazytalk, change the color from blue to green, and make another movie. But 123 keeps seeing the blue version. So I delete the blue movies. 123 still sees them.  
   I get so frustrated that I log onto eve for some ice mining.  

  This morning I uninstall then reinstall 123 magicvideo. Upload the green version and in works great. The model gave his speech in front of clouds then triangles. I then went to the next step and added the Dominion trailer for the background screen. I left the house while it said 4 hours to go. 

    I am leaning towards either doing still frame backgrounds, or figuring ( ie asking) what software STOked uses for their greenscreen. 

   Either way it's an adventure.  And that is what it's all about. 


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Podcasting idenity crisis


 That is about the best way I can describe the podcast. 

   Maybe, Grrrrrrrr. Is more accurate. 

   Or better yet - John Casey's sigh from the show Chuck. 

    Either way I am getting annoyed with the mike problems on the podcast.  Erin comes in fine, but mine bounces up and down. I use a headset, and the mike doesn't move. But during the editing portion my voice goes all over the place. 

     Still all I can do is adjust and try again. Yeah I know, and I will do some samples first. But man it is annoying. 

     Think I'm going to stick to the Notalotanews Newshour name. Wonder how much the EVOGANDA guy charges for some banners. 

    Figured I would stick to the format of :
Kiriths Korner - for as long as he can take this thing
Podcast weekly update - I'm always wanting to know if there is a new podcast. 
Mission from eve survival - this is an off shoot from the mission collide pattern. 
Eve Tribune
Dev Blog - these are just staples. Maybe add ten ton hammer and kugtsumem to it. 
Sport pages ( Dotlan maps )
And finish it up with outro/final thoughts. 

But as you can tell it's just a work in progress. ( hehe maybe that should be my title ) 

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

6 jumps in 4 hours

Yes, I was at my computer the whole time.

I went from low sec entry to the pocket. It is roughly 6 jumps long. What took my 4 hours was at each station i would turn at least 90 degrees from my destination and cruise to 200 KM from the gate. Then bookmark the spot. It just takes time traveling at 200 meters per second.

But I got to the pocket unscathed, and was able to cyno in my carrier. Which landed 10 KM from the station. Still working on the specifics of that one. I made a jump clone (yeah!) and grab an t1 amarr frigate. Threw a warp stab in the back and off I went. There was a brutix that hanging out at one gate. I didnt really pay much attention as I was spamming the warp then jump button. Part of my book market was (to Empire) or (to LSS). So when I am in a non cloaky t1 death trap I have less thought pattern and more... go go go.

Now I am mining ice, cause that thanatos sucks fuel down like it was the 70s all over again. (yes conversvation is at 5)

My high loading zone is a nice little spot. But it is double jump into empire. All the single jumps are a little too unsavory for me.


Monday, June 7, 2010

And the idiot award goes to....

On behalf of all the idiots out there, I would like to accept this award. 

Decided to actually move the carrier yesterday. Grinding missions is just grinding me down. I need some ore. 

  As my last couple of posts lead you to believe I am clueless (shocker I know) on how capitals move. Well, that is not entirely true. I understand the basics. I guess it is more accurate to say I do not have personal knowledge of the mechanic. 

  Anyways, when I get up in the morning and finish the whole shower/dress thing I have 15 minutes before Eve logs for it's daily downtime. Great!  That should give me plenty of time. 

Log in, and move the scout and the cyno to position ( I kept them log in high sec for my peace of mind). 4 minutes left. Log into my main and shed the Domi I was in. 3 minutes. Pause training ( boy I could blog about that hassle) and jump! 

Error - it appears I already have a jump clone here. I made one a long time ago I never used. 

2 min 30 sec - ok. Dock at the other station.  Undock, warp, (soooo slow) redock. 48 seconds left. Well phoey. I log off all 3 in the right spots. 

Did you catch my mistake?   It's pretty obvious. 

I'll give some time. 

That's right. 

  So I am at work, doing the work thing. Going over the whole moving the carrier thing. Looking at it from different angles to make sure............

 Oh noes!!!!!!! In my rush to get pod from the station to the other, then seeing there wasn't enought slack time,I called it quits. WITHOUT TURNING MY TRAINING BACK ON!  Major DOH!

  So there went approx 10 hours of training. 

Hello, my name is Jason.  And I'm an idiot. 

Idiot update. 

This morning I go again. Now everyone is prepositioned, I get ready. 7 minutes left. And there sits a Sabre off my carrier stations bow. Now I am 101% positive that the sabre could not chew through my shields/armor.  But it wasn't the game plan. 

   Sabre finally got bored, and I jumped. ( yes I remembered to turn training back on) I click undock and pop the cyno. 

Error - you cyno requires fuels. 

    What?!??!  Remember when Kirith recommended to use a t1 frigate/cruiser.  Well I went out and bought one. Then moved all the stuff to the cruiser. Then chanced my mind and move " everything " back to the cyno ship. 

    So it's my mortal enemy's fault. He made recomendation knowing I would be an idiot and forget the fuel. 

End of the story : I ran back grab the fuel. Got back and the sabre was back floating around station. Bastard finally left at 2 minute mark.  Undock, lit cyno, and spam jump you bastard. 

  carrier is now in a few low density zone. So those people living in Aeschee - have a wonderful life. I have no plans to go back. 


Sunday, June 6, 2010

iPhone ; love/hate relationship

I love my iPhone

I hate my iPhone

  Emails come to me.  I can surf the web. I can check on the weather including a map. Capsuleer. Banking. Pictures. Camera.  Language translation. Watch full length movies. Listen to music/podcasts. And even maintain a blog can all be done from the iPhone. 

  But no flash player, so no listening/watching Alliance Tourney. And that is just wrong. 

It's all political, and we suffer for it. 

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The great Boris

Between the garage sale, mom coming over, and Eve giving me a 6 hour mission - diddly got done. 

   I read SW:ToR comic, the best thing about that is listening to Darth Haters podcast to pick up the smallest details and expound upon them. 

   Good news for podcasting is alliance tourney. Of course I forgot to charge my phone last night so I cannot stream the video now.  But atleast there will be a 5 second talk on it. Wonder if Erin will watch some?  

I still love Boris Hotches' interpretation on the tourney.  Ships fly by, lasers fire, ships blow up.  He would have been great as an announcer. 

  does anyone know the rules of getting a jump clone in player controlled station ( in null sec?)

Have a great weekend

Friday, June 4, 2010

Advice on setting up Capsuleer

Well I was going to talk about never try to play on the computer when the wife decides to hold a garage sale. 

  But that got trumpt by my iPhone. 

I refresh my podcast selection and see Planet Risk and the Neutral Zone have put one out. Great!!!

  I go to sync my phone to iTunes and it hangs up. This causes another problem in that iTunes then will only preform a restore to the phone. No other option than say it's a new phone. So after the restore, life is good. 

 I remember last night my Command Center finished 4 last night and moved on to 5 ( I was able to sneak in a que update when the wifes head was turned ). This morning I go to refresh capsuleer, and my characters are gone. 

   Now anybody who has used Capsuleer knows getting your characters on is a pain. But the last time my phone was restored ( actually I think it was when I upgraded my phone), I created a contact on my phone. Inside that contact I created the website address with my API correctly placed. 

  What this boils down to is that, instead of getting worked up, I just opened up my Capsuleer contact and click on Acinom. A few seconds later she was back, and all the work didn't need to be repeated. 

Very handy idea I recommend to all capsuleers. 
  Did the same thing for iClone. 


While reviewing this thread, I notice this sounds like came up with this idea. I did not. It has been awhile, but I believe I got it from the Capsuleer website. I was just happy I got to use it the way I orginally planned on using it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's not paranoia, if they really are out to get me

You know what is worse then being a noob. 

  Being a paranoid noob.

  I got the 2 recon ships fitted and skilled to fly. I sent one approx. 200 km off the station where my carrier is. And the other one I found what looks like a quiet spot (this is eve. Quiet is relative) in my jump range. 

   Now the last ship I lost was when leaving my carrier. I saw a Moros and atleast 4 battleships. There is roughly 25 people in system. 

   And I have never done this cyno before. Personally I would rather not lose my carrier. 

    It is my understanding that if I get a point on me, I can't cyno jump. There fore I was fitting it with my low slots full of stabilizers. 

   What I am hoping for is (10 minutes before eve closes)

1)  have all 3 ships ready. Carrier, the station observer, and the cyno. 
2) fleet up
3) pop cyno
4) undock
5) I have no idea, but I am hoping to right click on the cyno guy and spam jump. 
6) pray it works

  What annoys me the most is my belief that CCP should atleast be able to tell me how to do this. It's annoying trying to work out the mechanics of how to jump in a pirate system. 

  next time remember : Buyer beware ( no wonder the guy put the carrier on the market)


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cheetos Podcast

Well, it ended up being a complete failure, and a great show.

I was worried that my friends lack of play time would show through, and it did. This meant that it left me doing most of the talking.

But the best thing, was that Erin helps me relax and laugh. So the podcasts becomes more vocal and less scripted.

Kirith was a bonus. And he gave me a second shot before I put it up. So that rocked.

Overall, I am happy with it. Though Podded reruns have nothing to fear from me ;)


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A question without answers.

Has anyone else ever wondered what could be done to level PvP and PvE?

I personally feel that Cryptic put the big Kybosh on City of Heroes when they tried to introduce PvP to a PvE game a year or so after launch.

As for Eve, it always seemed weird to me that a PvP ship fit would do so poorly fighting rats. Or a PvE ship with 80s to 90s resists would have a problem with someone popping by.

I did like the point brought up at the last FanFest about having rats target anyone and not just the mission runner. It would make it more dynamic for a pirate. But that is easy for me to say, since I dont want to become a pirate.

With this Expansion done and now on the fixing side. I wonder if they would take a look at this. I know everone is talking about Incarna, but that carrot has been dangling for a long time now. It is starting to get ripe.

It was either talk about this, or Baffle you with the BS about changing a Shield booster amp for a cap recharger.... exiciting stuff I know.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Podcast : Nervous about Tuesday

PI note: Eve University has some great info on planetary interaction. 

Well this coming podcast will the best ever or Epic fail. Not sure if there is an in-between. 

   A guest speaker gave me a 5 minute plug.  That is a point in best ever. 

   My friend has conceded to doing cohosting duties. And we go off topic alot. 3 points to fail. 

   Kind of nervous about doing it.  But rain or shine, what's the worst that could happen.  It's not like I make my livelyhood off the podcast. ( boy that is a scary thought). 

   I submittted my name to the capsuleer people for a video blog. No word back but since it's memorial weekend, I wouldn't expect any. 

   Still wouldn't it be nice to get that hook up. Maybe not, cause then I might have to actually work at the podcast and not play. 

    I'm halfway to getting the video software I wanted. Maybe in another month. 


Sunday, May 30, 2010

PI: Mr Roboto

I'm pretty sure this will be my last Planetary Interaction post for a couple if weeks while I wait for my skills to catch up on the Elite Command Center. 

If your real lucky it will also be my last post, but I doubt it. 

 A wise man would shut up now, since to really cover today's subject I need to be in front of my computer. So let me continue...

During my small time on SiSi I would just roam planets scout and throw extractors where ever. While this was fun, it is not a good idea if you want to really do something. 

  You need a plan.  The best way is to look at what your end product you want to make then go backward. 

    Right now I am sure there are smart brainiacs working feverishly on Excel to bring all the schematics to life. So far I haven't found them yet. If you think I'll do that - your insane. 

   What I did do was bounce around different processors and look at what they will make. So lesson one. 

   Not all planets are created equal. 

   The processors on certain planets will make an item, that no one else can. So not only do you need Elite CC for the power grid, you need to find the right planet to make stuff on. 

    Case in point : Robotics. You will need robotics for Pos fuel and T2 production.  Robotics comes from advance processors not high tech (ie you cannot get the highest and work to lower schematics) to make robotics you need XXXX ( meaning I don't remember) and mechanical parts.

 To make mechanical parts, you need blah blah blah ( nope, drawing a blank )     To make blah blah blah, you need something somthing and nobel metals. Nobel metals can be found on Plasma Planets ( very rare ) or Barren planets. And on Barren Planets, they are the least resourceful of the 5 listed. 

  So demand for robotics will be twice as high as the rest, but it's base items are one of the least populated in high sec. Hence - demand. This means if you don't care about PI at all 

1) you stop reading a long time ago 
2) all you need to do is find a barren planet throw down an extractor on the Nobel Metals and sell them when you get around to it. Cause there will be a market. 

  it also might impact the PoS fuel market and T2 ship market pretty strongly. 

  Already CCP has stumbled and cut off the PoS fuel prematurely and then brought it back.  So you know where this is headed. 

  I do appologize for not having all this stuff memorized, but if you want me to expand / expound on the schematics drop me a line. 

Saturday, May 29, 2010

PI: Captain Obvious

Side note : as expected you can use Function keys when in planet mode. 

I am starting to rationalize the PI slider.   

There are 2 small triangles on the slider. 1 on each side of the color bar. The left one is to the minimum and the right - maximum. 

   My belief is that it is similiar to Gain on an amplifier.  Since I am in Empire space the minerals are not as abundant. Hence I can increase the gain to show me where the highest minerals are. But if I was to go to Low or Null sec then my settings would be oversaturated and everything would be white. 

That is why the video they move the slider to just showing red, while I chose to just start white. 

Same topic. Different note. 

  Worked on remote sensing. First off I had a parts run 4 jumps over. So I set my mode to planet and made the jumps while my view stayed the same. This does make docking painful, but the jumps are nice. If you did this style for a long time. Might need to add stations to an overview tab - to help with docking. 

   As far as how to remote view other system planets while sitting in stations , I  found a way but it is a bit convoluted. 

   I opened the star map. On the solar system tab, you just move the cursor to isolate the planet then click on planet mode. Fairly straight forward approach. 
   For far remote viewing, I went to the star map tab and right clicked a star. I didn't find planet mode. But I did finally use a very old feature. Show system in side browser ( sorry I can't remember the name they call it). Anyway, it is the one where it gives you 4 windows. Top being the universe, next is the region, next is the constellation, last being the solar system. When you right click on a planet in the solar system, it will give all the moons, belts, and the planet. Going over the planet will give you the planet mode option. 

 Now  came my next roadblock. You can scan with in your Remote Sensing skill range. The planet I really wanted to see was 5.22 LY away. And my range (currently) is 5 LY. 

   One last note: while I was looking around I went to the building tab in planet mode and hovered over the command stuctures. Elite said I didn't have Command Center upgrade to 5 (yet), advance - 4, improved - 3, standard -2. All these are true (right now). But the intresting thing was when I goto limited. It tells me I don't have the command center in my cargo hold. Which made me wonder, if I have a CC in my hold and remote sensor into my range. Would the computer let me drop a CC on a planet far away?

  My guess is No. Eve uses a linear denail system. In that once I meet one condition then the next road block will pop up. So that if I get a CC in my cargo hold, then it will say something like you are not in range. 

    But if it doesn't,  that would be awesome. 

Friday, May 28, 2010

SW:ToR - Companions

Well the 2nd most anticiapated part of ToR is the Companions to me. 1st being 100% voice acting.

I wish they had released a video on the companions, but oh well.

My big concern is still, In the central player hub to see 10 or so Sith Warriors all having Veerne hanging out with them. I hope I can atleast change her name, if skin color. I think it will take away from the concept seeing multiple people playing with the same companion.

Then again a high level Companion might draw crowds of people ooohing and ahhhing. I know I would be one.

Just hope they have better UI controls then the Eve Drones.

PI : Did I mention my scanning ability?

It seems my ability to scan wormholes has migrated into my ability to scan planets. 

  cause I just don't get it. Yeah I watch the CCP video 3 times. And yes I have remote sensing at 3. Understanding thermal graphs : check. 

  Its the slider I am lost on. 

  You pop up a planet, click scan and select the largest bar (since it has the most resources). Makes sense so far. The planet goes thermal. And it has low resolution, now here is my deal. If you take the slider and move it all the way to the left - the planet goes white (for the most part). What I was doing was moving it all the way until the white just started to appear. Then thought that was the hotest and there for the best concentration. But I have no idea if that is true. 

On the subject of remote sensing. The skill talks about scanning planets up to 9 light years away. That is a long distance. I have yet to see something in a solar system measured in LY. Much less 9. Which leads me to wonder can I scan planets in other solar systems. And even more importantly, how?

  As for planetology and advance planetology,  what do they really do?  The attibutes tell me they are rank 4 and the memory/chrisma. But not how they effect anything. 

Either way, I'm still training to level 5. 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Beginings of my long PI journey

Intresting note:

  As I am sure most people found, you can view planetary mode away from planets. 

   This presents intresting dynamics when running mind numbing missions. I waited until I was on the last battleship then picked a local planet to scout out.   

My remote sensing skill wasn't acivated yet (it will get to 3 around 7:10 tonight). This means that there wasn't a whole lot I could do right then. I didn't try to use the Function Keys to see if I could still fight effectively. Will try that another time. 

Overall with no skills and in high sec. The planet was pretty dry on mining, but not empty.  This time tommorrow I will be working on plantary to 4 to get advance to 4. My overall goal is to get all 5 skills to 5 ASAP. Or as fast as jumping in and out of implants will allow. 

I have about another week to get another recon. Still I might just wait and keep grinding for that jump clone.  Then I could keep the recon permenantly down there.

I believe I will do more posting on PI. It has tickle my funny bone a bit. 

  wasn't it weird that the 2 main skills cost an odd amount. Right down to the .01 isk. I have no idea why, but I am sure it means something. 

  oh and by the way,  Star Defender has a great post on the products on PI. 


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

3 thank yous


Wow. Ok, maybe other people are just used to things like people actually reading their blogs. Me, I am still in shock.

So just wanted to drop a small line and say Thank you to :

X1376 - you will always be my first

Kirith Kodachi - hmmm, I think I may have read something of yours.

Langaidin - Welcome to the Loopie Zone. It was the twilight zone, but those darn vampires kept showing up.

Thank you again.

What to do, What to do...

Well there is rarely a good thing about playing 3 MMOs.

But when Eve goes offline (I only had 4 minutes left on getting my mission finished... whew), that means I can roll right into EQ2 with no thought about WAHHH!

Played with the Rat for a bit. Got his tinkering up to max allowed, I was able to get a skill up every time I tried now. Which means - I am alot luckier then I have ever been. Or they changed the rules on me... again.

I see that Song Li has got a new show out. Sweet!!!

Congrats to Mynxee for becoming president by a large margin.

And last but not least, most blogs talk about what to do for the 18 hours of withdrawl from Eve-crack. Sleep, see a movie, go outside and look at the bright shiny thing in the sky.

Me, I get to repair a septic spary head.

Monday, May 24, 2010

This thought brought to you by the word - Random

Swap skills, pulled out 2 inventions - 1 of which failed, and finished hauling stuff around. Yeah that is an exciting topic. 
   Last 4 days watched parts of the movie "They Live". Yeah, I am one of those guys. Googled " I am here to chew  bubblegum and kick ass. And I am all out of bubblegum."  I thought it was Bruce Campbell in the evil dead series that had that line. But I was wrong.  Still that is one of the best lines ever. 

   Yesterday I got some sad news Heroes, Chuck, and V are being cancelled. Heroes I am not so worried about. It became a convulted mess, the writers painted themselves in a corner multiple times. Then the next season would forget what powers Sylar or Peter had. 

   At least SGU is still around. Man, love that show. 

  Ran through a mission on STO. the entire away team was to shoot 5 tribble patches. No one shot back, not deadly tribble came to haunt me. Overall pretty lame. 

    Finished the night with some EQ: time. 

   How was your weeked?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Podcast note

So for those of you wanting me to stop my podcasts. - bad news, it will still happen. 

For those of you who want me to keep my podcast. - bad news, it will be a month or so. 

  I did ask 3 people to do a little personal segment. My thought was similar to the way Chad did the last Fly Reckless. Except this would be them saying whatever came across their mind. With maybe a small interview (5 to 15 minutes) about any noob question I could throw in. 

 My responses were great! 
 No. 1 said it was a great idea, but got my podcast confused with someone who is actually good. When I gave them the link to mine. They were never heard from again. 

 No. 2 said it was a great idea, but had lots of commitments and was not sure if they could get away to do a little segment. But try back in a month or so. And was never heard from again. 

  No. 3 said it was an intresting idea, and "I will think about it". And was never heard from again. 

   All 3 were cold calls, I dropped in on them out of the blue. So it is not a supprise.  

   Then I got to thinking about opening up the floor. I am still partial to this, but from what I have seen from other podcasts offers - not many will do this. 

   So that lead my to beg and plead, and brow beat a friend of mine into agreeing to try co-hosting. That way I sound a little less Zombiefied while reading. And maybe an intresting dialogue will pop out. 

Trying to get my CEO friend also to hop on so we can have the entire Corp on and chat for 30 minutes. 

  His schedule is jammed, and he was never heard from again. 


SW:ToR: Late Addition

Went to Darth Hater last night to see what they have about Fridays release of Hoth. 

Lo and behold there was a late entry of a conversation piece between a Jedi and his contact. Had the Mass Effect wheel with 3 choices. I couldn't read them, the screen was too small. 

Of cousre I did this while my wife was watching TV. She did not appreciate my interrupting her with geek-talk. But it was sweet. 

Just throw another log on the "I want to play this NOW!!" fire. 


Saturday, May 22, 2010

SW:ToR. Anyone have some ice?

Just in time for summer - Hoth!!

  I was really hoping for this planet. And since I am already familiar with salvaging (thank you Eve). I should be able to help out with all those lovely ship wrecks now. 

   Will be intresting to see what Darth Hater has to say about the planet and the Arabesh. Didn't get a chance to read part 3 of the comic. But I am sure it will happen soon.

  Any ideas on what races they are going to release or when do you think they will announce it?


Mission length

Wonder if I can load pictures today?  Guess I will find out soon. 

Man, Angel Extravaganza is long. I really wish there was a way to tell the agents - 30 minute mission please. As it stands it's a complete crap shoot. I am not saying the players select the mission.  Just let me have short, medium, or long choices on missions. With length vs rewards.

 Of course I already see the debate on 30 minutes at 500 loyalty points vs 5000 in 6 hours. They would start whining about being unfair. But there has to be a reasonable solution. 

Other then that.  - drone salvagers -  


Thursday, May 20, 2010


Just a thought. But if I didn't have access to high end moons, but wanted to do super capital production. Would getting a class 2 wormhole make the most sense?  Only a battleship could come in, and then only a certain number before the WH closes.  If you are in null sec you always have a chance to see everything come visit. 

Started skilling up connections on the alt. Just to try and expedite getting him a jump clone. Finally got him a recon ship, so the fuel requirements have gone from 500 to 80. That is helpful. 

I still need that 3 rd account. But I am saving up for the iclone software. It's probably silly, but it will help me stand out. 

Over 1000 subscribers, and my first iTunes review !!!  

   Other then that my rent was increased by 50%, but I will get a chance at Planetary Interaction now. 

  Hope you have a great weekend. 

There appears to be a problem loading images. So that is one thing that sucks.

EQ2 takes a page from Eve handbook

Funny how Eve seems to affect my other games. 

   EQ2 has changed since the last time I played. The level cap is now 90. I get a temp pet as a wizard. And the sage aspect seems to have been nerfed. 

    Oh back in the day. I chose Sage profession since it was the only way to increase the level of my spells. Now it gets me to the first level. Then I have to find a research agent and tell him what skill I want to raise up. After X amount of days - Ding it's ready for pickup. Sounds familiar to me. So like eve I have to decide what I want the most now and plan for later. 

Overall I do enjoy this style of thought. 


Monday, May 17, 2010

SW:TOR. Are we there yet?

I have tried to keep to the idea - to never want time to speed up. Enjoy today and leave tommorrow for tommorrow. It usually doesn't happen, but it is something to strive for.

   But not with Star Wars: the Old Republic. Ohhhh man, I can't wait for 2011. I hear lots of people down playing it, and that is fine.  No game is for everyone.  In fact, when I first heard about it I thought it was another attempt at Galaxies. No thank you!  

   Them some how I found their desire to focus on story. And the voice acting, they grab my attention then. 

   Since then I found Darth Hater podcast. To me they have truelly set the bar on what a good show is.  And their website is not bad either. 

    This Friday Bioware introduced the advance class system. It reminds me of EQ2 class system when they first came out. Eq2 got a lot of  flak from the fan base and finally let you start out as any class. So it makes me wonder if SW :TOR will have a similar problem. 

Either way I'm stoked. 


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Special thanks to X1376

A special thank you to X1376. Yesterday I was ready to give up the ghost. After reading A scouts domain - he referenced me to This guy is good. 

   I really do not care for smack talk.   When I see him critize another ship fitting, I am thinking he might be another Urban Mongrel. 

But 1) the fittings really were painful to look at 
2) he was very constructive and helpful in his thought process. 

  He even goes so far as to discuss ship fittings for various play styles. 

I found myself reading alot longer then I expected on his blog. 

   After that I realize I am just not that caliber. My blog is mainly just randomly generated thoughts that go through my mind while I play. 

  If I did have a hook it would be the funny pictures, or the podcasting notes. 

But if your looking for quality, I gotta say : this ain't it. 


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why write?

Been reading blogs now for about a year. All thanks to capsuleer. 

   Some people write to help others understand concepts. 

   Some people write to become famous. 

   Some people write to help them with their creativity. 

     Some people write to interact with others. 

      Some people write  to vent frustrations. 
       Some people write to show an idea. 

        Most people incorporate more then one aspect of these. And a few others. 

       Then there is me. I write just to see if how long I last with this project. I freely admit that this blog has turned out to be quanity over quality. There are ALOT of great to read blogs out there. 

Inner sanctum of niNveah,
Life in low sec
A scouts domain

   These are just off the top of my head. Of course I enjoy reading the 3 I have linked on my blog page. 1 of them is not even Eve related. 

    But for me, I just ramble alot.  

Real life calls

Friday, May 14, 2010


What a world....
What a world....

The grinding is getting to me. I found myself less and less signing into Eve for the joy of the game. And more and more to accomplish paying bills and moving the reputation ball a few more feet towards the end zone. And to think that I might need a 3rd account. But such is life.

I found a mission that I just simply could not do. The acceleration gate drops me 3000 meters from 6 battleships. No matter how hard I tried they could repair the damage by the time I got back from a warp away.   But other then that it's just one big grind. 

    Looked at STO and shrugged. So last night I went back to an ol one. EQ2. It was nice seeing an actual character do something. I also had a grind with him last night. 

  So I was curious why EQ2 didn't bother me so much. Guess No. 1 would be it is different. 2 - I could see movement on my exp bar. After 2 hours I got a new level -47. After 2 hours in eve I get like .25 faction jump, if that. 

  Oh and Planetary Interaction looks to only have 2 skills total, and I will not be allowed to try PI in nullsec since we don't own the space we are occupying. 

Hope you all have a good weekend,