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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Week in review

A quick break 

   Well I got the 250 off to capsuleer. Made my advertisement, and haven't heard back from them. 

   I tried another round of walking through the maze - getting an interview with CCP.  I am nowhere near the cheese exit. 

   We broke 2,000 subscribers!!!!?!!!  That is insane, humbled doesn't begin to express my bewilderment. 

    Acinom is still plugging away at PI skills. Come September I should be done. Then it's off to scanning school. 

   Hearld was starting the PI path, but I have enough rep for a level 3 mechanical Datacores now. So that takes priority.  Expect him to get back on track in Sept. 

    Eisenguarde was starting PI. But I backed off and now I am getting his 2 attributes and the learning skill up for PI first. 

   PI - if you drop 1 command center (elite), 1 spaceport and as many extractors as you can on a planet. You can get about 80% full in one day.  - high sec

-how are you?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Capsuleer Advertising

only 15 million more isk to go and I can color this job done.

The picture is small but that is mainly because it goes into an iPhone app.

All comments are welcome, please.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Eve is game for the Excel spreadsheet.

I have been told this for 4 years.

for 4 years I have done just fine (albeit very poorly).

But today, I sucummed to the inevitable.

I made a Dominix from a NPO and spare parts I had laying around. Flew it to a trade hub and was looking forward to making a buck or two. The selling price has 15 Domi's at 40.3 million isk. That seemed a little low.

So I brokedown, and used excel.

I listed all the minerals and how many they were. then I grabed the sell price per unit. Multiply the two, and I get how much the mineral costs to make the domi. Add all of them up and that was my price for a domi. 69.9 million isk. so that means I am losing 29.6 million isk every time I sell a domi.

That just doesnt make sense.

Anyone out there help me, where did I go wrong?

Edit:so I went back and did it again. But instead of using the values given to me on the market page, I used each invivdual minereals buy price. The total came down to an acceptable level - 36 mil. So I decide to put it up on the market.

Friday, July 16, 2010


I have played this game for over 4 years, yet I have never heard of this.

There is an item limit on the amount of stuff you can have in a station.

995 items

Pulse check

  I have this blog, seeeee

   And I tried to post everyday, seeeee

  And I failed. 


Have you read all these other bloggers that keep talking about their billions they have laying around?  Well not me. 

Since I announced my grand long term plan I have made :

     -6.4 million, that's Negative

But a friend, my CEO, who is slowing down on the game, gave me 16 BPCs for Dominixs. Plus some other trinkets. With a little bit of mining and salvaging. That might just help a bit. 

Podcast is going well. I called CCP Atlanta to request an interview. Got voicemail instead, any guesses to wether they will call me back?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'll gladly play pay Tuesday for an Orca today

So I sent the 3rd (sacrifical alt) out to ORE to look at prices of mining barges and Orca. And I was shocked.

The rule I see very often is that the BPO is is roughly 10 times the amount of the ship it is flying. When I bought the Scorpion (usually 50 mil) it was floating around 520 mil. The cruiser my 3rd alt has is 3 mil, and the blueprint is 28 mil.

So a covetor is 20 mil, the BPO is 2,000,000,000. That is 2 Billion.
the procuror is roughly 500 million.
the retriever is about 900 million

and the Orca is 880 million.

These are ORE (npc) fixed prices.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why do you even play this game?!?!

A long time ago I was diagnose with ADD.  This of course relates to the alt-i-Tess I would get playing MMOs. Or the new shiny syndrome I have in eve. 

Since I abhor PvP, I am always curious why I play a game devoted to PvP. 

I believe that Eve is really just that complex. The game is a crafters wet dream. Unlike every other game I played or have heard about - everything I make in eve is not worse the what drops off a raid boss. 

So I am in it for the acquisition of stuff. 

I am also a goal oriented person. When I drive in real life, I have to have a destination. I can't just drive for the fun. 

So I think I will put down some of the long term goals today.  And see how long before ADD creeps back in. 

Acinom - finish Planetary Management to 5 then get all scanning skills to 5

Hearld - get research development to 5 plus the mechanical engineering to 5

Eisenguarde - learning to 4s and then hulk to level 5. ( all the subskills to go with that )

Overall goal is to produce an orca from mining to subsystems to final product. My guess is that is 2 years off. But it's something to strive for. 

Of course no mining for next 2 weeks

Friday, July 9, 2010

Life recap

You would think that with a few days off I would having something ingesting to say. 

  But then, that wouldn't be me

   The podcast comes along.  It is starting to coalesce around some talking points. But it still seems too long. I really need to get the website up and running. 

    I actually thought about a post going to bed 2 nights ago. It had slot of old stories. But now I can't remember half of it. 

   Saw an advertisement for StarCraft II. Comes out here on July 27th. Between that and Star Trek Online raising the level cap at the end of this month,  Eve is going to take a beating on game time. Will probably be just skill and PI updates. 

  Work calls, so I hope everyone has a happy and safe (RL) weekend

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tip toe into null sec

Do not die - check
Bring a gun to a knife fight - check
Insure ship - double check. 

Well after 2 days of null sec PI my storage facility from the extractors are about 40% full. That is with 23 hour cycles. Much nicer then the high sec counterparts. 

   After going through the PI rounds I decided to take my Rusty ol Domi out for a spin. I looked with the on board scanner and had 2 Sansha anomalies. This ship is design for tank and PvE.  So. I fly out to meet 4 cruisers, 2 battleships, and 8 missile turrets. I got into half armor alot quicker then I expected.  While mulling this over I remembered I had the Thanatos. 

  A quick change up and I flew back.  To the wrong site. This one just had 4 cruisers. My carrier is not fitted for war. I had 6 warp stabs on it. This made for some funny fighting. My targeting range ended up being 19 Km. Still it was nice to see 504 drones to pick from. After a while I went back to station and got rid of the stabalizers. Fitted 2 med shield boosters onto a capital. ( the only thing I had collected) and flew back out. Started to re engage and a new face showed up in local. 

A red face, and here I am in a phenomenally fail fitted carrier in a non cyno Jam system. This is a bad idea, and being the carebear I am. Took my capital tail between my legs and ran away from the 2 mighty cruisers I was fighting. 

  He left after 5 minutes or so, but I'm not risking my main vehicle to move to and from null sec. 

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Cyno Blues

I really hate cyno generators. I mean in reality it is not that big of a deal.  My alt only has 350k of skill points, with the lowest clone at 900k. 

  A T1 cruiser with a generator and fuel and that's it. Though it is annoying to buy a ship for 3 mil. Insure it for 700k and only get a 2.3 mil payout. 

  But it is the whole sitting 0m off a station in low sec with a Red -8.4 security guy flying back and forth from said station, that really makes you sigh. For reasons I do not comprehend he did not target me and get a quick gank. 

  So the alt survived for now....


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Worst movie of the year.

I have watch the TV series Avatar : The Last Airbender about 2 1/2 times through. I have season 2 on DvD and watch it about once every 6 months all the way through.

I say this so that when I say, this movie is the worst movie this year. You would understand that its not that I hate the Avatar. But the director, and writer need to be just plain old shot.

I need to run, but I really wanted someone to know. That movie sucked, but the show was awesome.


Asking for directions

Thank goodness for hot fixes 

Yesterday I am finally getting the 3rd character set for a cyno alt. And send him down to pick up the fuel. And I kept getting a low sec point. 

   My fix was to go to DOTlan maps and chart my own path. 

    Glad to hear that it's been corrected.