It didn't take much, but I am confused. Last night I got to Kari and parked 80 KM on top of the gate to 0.0. This morning I log in and saw little traffic.
With my house preoccupied I decided to take the plunge. There was a gate camp on the other side, it consisted of 2 bubbles and 1 light interdictor. But I still had my stomach in my throat. I didn't warp away. What I chose to do was cloak and maximum burn in a isolated direction ( meaning there was nothing to warp to). That is when the 'dictor started closing in. I chose a different direction. What made my heart stop was when he went from 16 KM to 9,950 in a blink. I changed again and in another second he was 19 km. I don't know how close death I got, but it seemed like a computer glitch to me.
Anyway, after that it was clear to 161 KM. Bookmarked the location to provide me with an observation post, but also I can warp to 0 on the gate from there. Now I sat there and looked over local.
At this point in need to appologize to the people of Denmark. I did not recognize your flag. But now I know.
While waiting and figuring out how to warp to the other gate. I struck up a small conversation with the single U'K pilot.
So this my confusion; I thought CVA was the only NRDS place around. But the U'K pilot mentioned that they are normally NRDS. Just not in this system ( I assume do to the seige). Then he left.
So now I am lost on how to verify this information. If it is true then that chages everything for me. I was going to Providence to protect the carebears right to live. If everyone is NBSI, then people like me become barred from 0.0. If CVA and U'K are both NRDS - then the roleplaying aspect of slavery comes into play. I would much prefer to defend carebears and slaves right to be free.
Blood Rain - Part 3
Part 2 here.
Brasalion checked his chronometer. It was still three hours until the
Thunderhawks would arrive to take them to orbit to the fleet. The
2 weeks ago
U'K claim to be NRDS everywhere except in Providence where they assume every neutral is helping or beholden to CVA.